
"thinking about the economic and political state of the world"
wanillaberry's Interests
General |
idk man i never developed a sense of self |
Music |
esoteric underground artists you probably haven't heard of like nirvana |
Movies |
horror films and classic lit adaptations set in high school |
Television |
Books |
gothic lit, unpalatable feminism and my own diary |
Heroes |
whoever was responsible for ysl f/w 2013 |
wanillaberry's Links
Last Update: 24-02-2025
Visits since 09-02-2025

Latest Updates
- (24-02-2025) New blog post :3
- (15-02-2025) Made it so all links open in a new tab, and the music stops playing when tabs are changed
- (15-02-2025) Updated dream journal
- (15-02-2025) Completed film log (for now)
- (15-02-2025) Created a personal page for my own reference
- (12-02-2025) Updated the temp menu below to be in alphabetical order
To Do
- Fashion page
- Redo room
- Dress up game
- Cyber pets page

About me:
Hello, and welcome to my little website! I'm not sure how you've managed to stumble upon it, but I hope you'll stay a while. Nearly a decade after I abandoned my last, I have decided to return to blogging. It is appealing, having a few pixels on the internet all to myself, my very own blog, rather than being constricted to a social media profile on which I feel simultaneously surveilled and ignored - a nobody in a sea of popularity contestants. Here, there exist no such constraints imposed by such an existence. I fancy that nobody will ever come across this insignificant website, and I will be at peace in my isolation. Or, perhaps it will be found, some years later, by a singular person who was looking for something else entirely, and they will find solace in relating to the words of a girl who no longer exists. Either way, I look forward to writing here, and building this blog up as some sort of forgotten time capsule. What I will fill it with, I have no clue.
adopt your own virtual pet! |