My sister is having some sort of problem so we go to my old primary school to figure out what to do. I think to myself everything is so small now that I’m an adult. I’m the classroom an assistant is working with a kid and the teacher says that they don’t like to differentiate so the kids don’t lose respect and I think back to my own primary school days when it was very clear that the assistant was an assistant. That kid is having the same issues as my sister and they give us some advice about it that I don’t remember. My family was being chased by vampires, but not the fun kind. Hid myself in a bathroom stall with way too low doors. I had a cut on my finger which started scabbing and bubbling and growing. Pulled it off and washed it in the sink and it was a finger? I’m like oh that’s sick I want to preserve this now and put it on a shelf in my room and I keep asking my dad how to, but he won’t give me a proper answer. I ask if formaldehyde would work and he keeps saying it’s dangerous and he can’t get it for me because he’d get in trouble. We go to some relative or family friend’s house who is also a doctor. I think I give his daughter my pink Coach bag. I ask the doctor about preservation and whether alcohol would work. He won’t answer my question but tells me that back in his day they used to use a 2l bottle of cologne . I’m like wow I can’t believe they sell 2 litres of cologne? Anyway fascinating but not useful to me how do I preserve my finger?
Jeff Kinney released a new book and everyone was starting to suspect he was going insane. He was driving past us refusing to comment, we saw a dog flying in the air and realised it was plummeting and asked him to save it but he just shrugged and left. The dog fell with a really loud crash and we thought it was over. Then it emerged from the ground and started shapeshiftinf between a car and a dog and being very affectionate. So we were like omg Angel/Princess (forgot what her name was oops) come follow us let’s take you to the vet. So if follows us and there’s a lot of puddles and we go through all the clean ones so Angel can get cleaned up a bit. We’re also barefoot and wash our feet in the clean puddles.
Okay this one is kind of hilarious, not for the subject matter but as a reflection of my psyche and priorities lmao. I'm Natalie from Yellowjackets and I'm trying to code a website and it's not cooperating and I am so stressed out over it. This is 100% because of the grief my TV and digicam pages gave me. I dream about HTML tags on a weekly basis now it seems hahaha.
14-02-2025 CW: Self Harm
I posted a picture of both my arms sliced up with vertical lines from my wrists to inner elbows, freshly bleeding, (I have never done either of these things in real life and have no idea where it came from) on my Instagram story. Clearly I came to my senses and rushed to delete it, but Opal had already viewed it. I think I was going to tell her it was scratches because of my eczema (which I also do not have), but realised that was ridiculous and didn't. She texted me, but it was about her job instead. I only have one packet of Tesco's Hot and Sour instant soup packets left because I drink them two at a time (this is true irl) My sister asks if she can take it. I say yes.
Adonis and his girlfriend have both changed their profile pictures on Instagram. I realise they have blocked me. I think it is because I have been blogging about them and they found out.