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Green Day released a perfume based on one of their albums and I was going to make a YouTube video analysing each note and it’s relationship to the track list and themes in the songs.


I keep a journal. It's the journal that I actually used in 2018-19, tan suede. In real life it was more of a scrapbook, but in my dream I write the truth in it rather than curating a lie. In particular I write about my mental health issues, namely the euphoria thing. My friend Aheeneebeadn somehow finds my journal and reads it. I'm furious, but she keeps trying to say she wants to "help" me. I don't want to hear it. I yell at her over and over to go away, leave me alone, but she keeps apologising and saying she has my best interests in mind. Some of this, maybe all of it, takes place in a vast library. It's strange, we've never had that sort of friendship in real life.


There was a herd of cows and their calves on a patch of grass outside a church in the city centre. One of the calves started following a couple, or maybe they took it. I don’t remember. It looked so trusting. I followed them to a halal butcher’s with a red and green storefront. Carcasses of cattle hung at the front of the window. They couple didn’t want the calf to panic, so they took it around the back.


I'm at a bank with a lot of people which turns into an airport. I get onto a plane with my friend Smanioldlriowj. As soon as I sit down, I feel incredibly lightheaded and immediately think something is very wrong. The air hostesses starts collecting all our technology in a giant bin bag, including phones and I know we are in trouble. I ask Smanioldlriowj to use his phone so I can text my mother before we take off. He tells the impatient flight attendant he'll give her the phone in a second, which makes her very mad. My friend frantically tries to punch in my mother's number, but for some reason it is on the calculator app. He keeps getting the number wrong and the flight attendant is making her way back towards us, so I take the phone from him and manage to get it right. I try to send a message, but instead of what I wanted to say, it's an unreadable AI generated image with red letters across it. My lightheadedness gets worse and I'm about to pass out when I notice the flight attendant is actually a giant alien and the walls of the plane are made from flesh. Smanioldlriowj and I freak out and ask if we're the only ones who notice this. The alien flight attendant says we are, because I somehow tripped the perception filter. The perception filter is a giant eyeball embedded into the flesh walls, with a flap of skin or muscle covering it. The flap has shifted slightly exposing the eyeball, which is why we can see the plane for what it really is. Somehow this leads me to the realisation that the reason the flight attendant was collecting our phones in a bin bag is because she's a shapeshifter who takes on the qualities of whatever she touches. The gas that's making me lightheaded has now knocked all the other passengers out and the flight attendant starts monologuing about her evil plan. She talks about public transport being one of the greatest human inventions and how the underground railways saved Jewsish people in WW2 (it's a dream it's not meant to make sense). She reveals that her species is hijacking all forms of public transport and taking it to her home planet because “public transport has so much food (humans) all in one place.” Seems a little uneconomical, but sure. The dream then shifts and shows the flight attendant as a teen/young adult who is now black instead of white for some reason. She has a girlfriend, who she writes idyllic poetry about and loves very very much, but the girlfriend walks out and leaves the flight attendant alone in the house because she needs more and the flight attendant can't be physically affectionate due to her shapeshifting. The flight attendant is heartbroken and tries to run after her girlfriend, but is slowed down by all the traffic when she tries to cross the road."


People were buying planes to have parties in. I wanted a cat to follow me at night. Someone had a Lamborghini and asked someone else go pay them for having to park it in Gants Hill because it’s so stressful.


I ask my mother for shampoo, she doesn’t want me to wash my hair but gives it to me. It is a big bottle that smells heavily of ginger. I am holding the shower head towards me and turn it on, but it twists and soaks the walls. My mother is angry. I explain to her what happened, but she doesn’t want to hear it. She tries to sign me up to be a nun online. The application form is racist/eugenicist. I am going to a flat of monster high dolls. On the way, a little girl is looking out of the window. Her mother pulls her away and hits her. I am disgusted. One of the flats in the monster high store is a Chanel store. I do not go in. I am walking down campus stairs with Mniarailhas. I have not spoken to Mniarailhas since year 11. She references a movie called Sweet and Sour and compares me to one of the characters. She tells me my niceness is a facade and I am actually a horrible person. I am offended. She is correct. I am a boy getting chased by a murderous priest. The chase leads us to an empty house. He stabs me or I stab him. He is also a PE teacher. Later he dies (not because of me) and I celebrate it on the bus with Smanioldlriowj who is also someone else. He shows his sketchbooks to people. They keep coming like Russian dolls. Maairlkaaa tells Dniajhaks she doesn’t want to welcome his family in her home anymore. She will take them out for dinner instead. I am an observer. I am having a conversation with a girl who says the word Daddy. A mother and daughter walking behind us are heavily offended. She tells them she’s talking about the Holy Father. She is telling the truth. They want to know what church she goes to. The girl does not go to church. The daughter asks whether she goes to [SPECIFIC NIGERIAN CHURCH] or listens to [SPECIFIC NIGERIAN MUSIC] because she has a photo of someone similar looking there. The girl’s internal monologue reveals that this music genre/church is associated with sinners. She likes the daughter. She tests her luck and says she does, but only for school. The daughter gives her a disgusted look.

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