Somehow, you have transversed the binary haze and stumbled upon my sacred website. Was this fated? Were you guided by my call? I'd like to think so. Or perhaps a lucky hyperlink? More likely.
If my site has called to you, we are already kindred spirits, and I am glad to have met you. The indie web is a vast graveyard, and those of us who have managed to survive - in whatever form - must stick together.
For this purpose, I have graciously created this cult webring. A gathering place for bloggers, poets and vampires.
To join, I simply require that you possess a blog. Whether it is traditional or not is irrelevant. Whether you confess your darkest desires or document your passions, I want to know it all.
Beyond that, here are some other characteristics that may suggest you truly belong, but they are by no means necessary for your application.
If any of this resonates with your soul, I encourage you to petition you for entry by sending a messenger raven to I will personally weigh your soul before granting entry. Si
Once you have been initiated, you must bear the mark. Display the code on your homepage in open acknowledgement of your new brethren